Zvaná přednáška: Optimization for Classification

Kdy: čtvrtek 5. května 2022 od 11.00 do 12.00 (včetně diskuse)

Kde: CP-6.14


The optimization methods are widely used to handle problems in industry, medicine, data analysis, sensor networks, etc.
The classification algorithm is a type of supervised learning that uses training data to categorize new observations.
This lecture will discuss the relationship between optimization and classification problems.

O přednášejícím

Hossein Moosaei is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bojnord. He is currently working as a Researcher at the School of Computer Science at Charles University in Prague. Moreover, he was Visiting Scholar at the Center for Applied Optimization in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida (USA). His research interests include optimization, machine learning, biomedical applications, numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra, and high-dimensional datasets.

He has published numerous papers in academic and prestigious journals such as Scientific Reports-Nature, Applied Intelligence, Journal of Global Optimization, and Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. He is currently the Lead Guest Editor of the Annals of Operation Research journal.