prof. Sergii Babichev, DrSc.

odborný asistent

Místnost:  6.05 (CPTO)

Telefon:  +420 475 286 720


Konzultační hodiny:

úterý 10.00-11.30
čtvrtek 10.00-11.30


  • Chersonský státní pedagogický institut, Ukrajina, Fyzikálně technická fakulta, od 08/1979 – do 07/1984 (Mgr.)
  • Chersonská státní technická univerzita, Ukrajina, od 09/1998 – do 07/2002 (CSc., automatizované systémy řízení a progresivní informační technologie)

Profesní zaměření

Data mining

Pedagogická činnost

Vyučované předměty, z toho v aktuálním semestru (více v rozvrhu a v IS STAG):

Publikační činnost

Babichev, S., Liakh, I., Kalinina, I. Applying the Deep Learning Techniques to Solve Classification Tasks Using Gene Expression Data (2024) IEEE Access, 12, pp. 28437-28448. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3368070

Babichev, S., Liakh, I., Kalinina, I. Applying a Recurrent Neural Network-Based Deep Learning Model for Gene Expression Data Classification (2023) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13 (21), art. no. 11823, . DOI: 10.3390/app132111823

Babichev, S., Yasinska-Damri, L., Liakh, I. A Hybrid Model of Cancer Diseases Diagnosis Based on Gene Expression Data with Joint Use of Data Mining Methods and Machine Learning Techniques (2023) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13 (10), art. no. 6022, . DOI: 10.3390/app13106022

Liakh, I., Babichev, S., Durnyak, B., Gado, I. Formation of Subsets of Co-expressed Gene Expression Profiles Based on Joint Use of Fuzzy Inference System, Statistical Criteria and Shannon Entropy (2023) Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 149, pp. 25-41. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16203-9_2

Yasinska-Damri, L., Babichev, S., Durnyak, B., Goncharenko, T. Application of Convolutional Neural Network for Gene Expression Data Classification
(2023) Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 149, pp. 3-24. 
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16203-9_1

Babichev, S., Yasinska-Damri, L., Liakh, I., Škvor, J. Hybrid Inductive Model of Differentially and Co-Expressed Gene Expression Profile Extraction Based on the Joint Use of Clustering Technique and Convolutional Neural Network (2022) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12 (22), art. no. 11795, . DOI: 10.3390/app122211795

Babichev, S., Yasinska-Damri, L., Liakh, I., Durnyak, B. Comparison analysis of gene expression profiles proximity metrics (2021) Symmetry, 13 (10), art. no. 1812, . DOI: 10.3390/sym13101812

Babichev, S., Škvor, J. Technique of Gene Expression Profiles Extraction Based on the Complex Use of Clustering and Classification Methods (2020) Diagnostics, 10 (8), art. no. 584, . DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics10080584

S. Babichev, Mohamed Ali.Taif., V. Lytvynenko. Inductive model of data clustering based on the agglomerative hierarchical algorithm. The 1th IEEE International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing 23-27 August 2016, Lviv, Ukraine, P.19-22.

S. Babichev. The hybrid model of data clustering based on the k-means algorithm and inductive modeling method. Proceeding of the XII International Scientific Conference „Intellectual Decision-Making Systems and Problems of Computational Intelligence“ (ISDMCI’2016). Zaliznyi Port, Ukraine. May 24-28, 2016.

S. Babichev, V. Lytvynenko, A. Sharko. Inductive model of data clustering based on the k-means algorithm. Proceeding of the International Scientific and Technical Conference «Geoinformation systems, computer technologies of ecological and economical monitoring, GISCTEEM-2016». Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine April 13 – 15, 2016.

S. Babichev, Mohamed Ali.Taif., V. Lytvynenko. Filtration of Nucleotide DNA Gene Expression Profiles. International Frontier Science Letters , 2016, Vol. 8, P. 1-8.

S. Babichev, A. Kornelyuk, V. Lytvynenko, V. Osypenko. Computational analysis of microarray gene expression profiles of lung cancer. Biopolymers and Cell, Kiev, Ukraine. 2016. Vol. 32. №1. P. 70–79.

S.Babichev, V. Osypenko, Taif Mohamed Ali, V. Lytvynenko. The Using of Biclustering Techniques in Inductive Modeling Systems of Biological Processes. Inductive Modeling of Complex Systems. Kiev, Ukraine. 2015, №7. P. 5-14.

Babichev S. A. Youssef Ali Alhehdawi, Lytvynenko V. I. The system of DNA microarray filtration by use of the wavelet analysis and entropy cryterion. Proceedings of the Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine. 2015, №5. P 112-120. (podíl 65%)

Babichev S.  A. The modern state and perspectives of clustering methods development for high dimensional data analysis. Control Systems and Computers, Kiev, Ukraine. 2015, №1. P 14-24.

Babichev S.  A., Bidyuk P. I., Kornelyuk A. I., Lytvynenko V. I. The analysis of modern state of the data preprocessing problem for estimate the level of gene expression. Control Systems and Computers, Kiev, Ukraine. 2015, №2. P 18-31. (podíl 70%)

Babichev S.  A. Optimization of information preprocessing in clustering systems of high dimension data. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control. Zaporozhye, Ukraine. 2014, №2. Р 135-142.

Babichev S.  A. Application of entropy criterion for an estimating of quality of DNA microarray data normalization. System Technologies. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2013, №6 (89). P 3-10.

Babichev S.  A., Pogrebnjak I., Sharko A. The complex using of Bayesian network and system of fuzzy logic in model of strength characteristics of metals definition. System Technologies. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2012, № 2 (79). P 95-103. (podíl 60%)

Vartuzov V., Babichev S.  A., Lytvynenko V., Fefelov A. The model of analytical system of narcotic substances profiling with the use of Bayesian network. Proceedings of the National University „Lviv Polytechnic“. 2012. № 744. P 114-119. (podíl 50%)

Babichev S.  A., Dydyk A.A., Lytvynenko V.I., Fefelov A.A. Shkurdoda S.V. Filtration of chromatograms based of wavelet analysis with the use of entropy criterion. System Technologies. Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2010, № 6 (71). P 17-32. (podíl 60%)


Dodatečné informace

Používaný přepis jména v mezinárodní transkripci Sergii Babichev.