Dr. Hossein Moosaei

odborný asistent
Místnost: 6.09 (CPTO)
Telefon: +420 475 286 727
E-mail: Hossein.Moosaei@ujep.cz
Konzultační hodiny:
Wednesday | 12.00-14.00 |
Thursday | 16.00-17.00 |
Latest News:
- 6th International Conference on Dynamics of Information Systems (DIS 2023), September 3–6, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic (For more details, please see https://dis2023.ujep.cz/ )
- Special Issue -Operations Research Forum, Springer, Deadline: May 31, 2023 (For more information, please see https://link.springer.com/collections/daceciabci )
- Special Issue -Annals of Operations Research, Springer, Deadline: June 30, 2023 (For more information, please see https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/23569562/data/v1 )
Short Biography:
He received a Ph.D. degree in the field of applied mathematics in 2013. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Computer Science at Charles University in Prague. Additionally, he was a visiting scholar at the Center for Applied Optimization in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida (USA). He has served as a reviewer for many scientific journals. He is the lead guest editor of special issues of some journals. His current research interests include optimization, machine learning, biomedical applications, numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra, and scientific computing.
Teaching Experience:
- I have taught several graduate and undergraduate courses, including:
- Advanced Linear Programming
- Advanced Nonlinear Optimization
- Topics in Optimization (Machine Learning)
- Advanced Operational Research
- Linear Optimization
- Nonlinear Optimization
- Applied Mathematics
- Several seminars on special topics
Some of the Publications:
- On the Optimal Correction of Infeasible Systems of Linear Inequalities, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
- Generalized Twin Support Vector Machines, Neural Processing Letters.
- On the minimum-norm solution of convex quadratic programming, RAIRO-Operations Research.
- Least Squares Approach to K-SVCR Multi-class Classification with its Applications, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.
- Universum parametric-margin ν-support vector machine for classification using the difference of convex functions algorithm, Applied Intelligence.
- Time Series Forecasting of New Cases and New Deaths Rate for COVID-19 using Deep Learning Methods, Results in Physics.
- CNN AE: Convolution Neural Network combined with Auto encoder approach to detect survival chance of COVID 19 patients, Nature-Scientific Reports
- Some notes on the solvability conditions for absolute value equations, Optimization Letters
- A Lagrangian-Based Approach for Universum Twin Bounded Support Vector Machine with its Applications, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.
- Optimal correction of the absolute value equations, Journal of Global Optimization.
- DC programming and DCA for parametric-margin ν-support vector machine, Applied Intelligence.
- Absolute value equation solution with uncertain data, Optimization Letters.